REVIEW Monster

Mar 24, 2023 | Series Reviews

The time has come to include an anime series in this website. It is a 2004 fiction that came to Netflix a few months ago with the label of luxury product. It really is. More than an anime series, Monster is a noir-tinged thriller with voice-over and time jumps. Its creator is Masayuki Koyima, one of the great Japanese masters who, at 61, has a run of series as remarkable as Made in Abyss (2017) or Master Keaton (1998).
The 74 episodes of the series are far from being a record for anime series. And that is one of the main difficulties I have encountered when writing about this type of series. The advantage of Monster is that the drama of this doctor with ideals has a universal construction, with obvious flashes of classic cinema. He is an honest and cursed character, sensitive and tormented, wrapped in a plot that is obviously imaginative, but not hermetic.
Aimed at an adult audience, this anime has ellipsis and suggestion in a tense but humanized atmosphere. A great opportunity to taste one of the specialties of oriental sensibility.
Signature: Claudio Sánchez

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