Sectorial meeting for the new Self-Regulation Code

Mar 16, 2024 | Activities, Audiovisual Sector

On March 13, a sectorial meeting was held at the headquarters of the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) with the aim of laying the foundations for the development of the new Self-Regulatory Code on Television Content and Children.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the entire sector: broadcasters, users and the public sector.

On the part of the free-to-air broadcasters, TVE, Mediaset, UTECA (free-to-air commercial television), Movistar and the different thematic television channels participated. Netflix and Filmin platforms were also represented. The advertising and marketing industry was present through IAB, and iCmedia, AUC and Plataforma de Infancia participated on behalf of users. The Public Sector participated through its representative from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the CNMC itself.

Although this meeting was only a first contact, it was decided that the starting point for the new Code would be the qualification criteria established in 2015, offering the option to qualify possible deficiencies that this document may have, and the participants were given the opportunity to set objectives and deadlines so that it can be in force next summer.



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