membership in organizations and working groups

presence in the sector

iCmedia has a broad presence in the audiovisual sector and gives voice to the concerns of civil society regarding the protection of users, especially minors, in the digital environment.

State Pact for the Protection of Minors in the Digital Environment

iCmedia is one of the six driving forces behind the State Pact for the protection of minors against the risks they face in the digital environment . In addition to iCmedia, Unicef, Fundación Anar, Save the Children, Save the Children, Dale una Vuelta and the European Association for Digital Transition are also driving forces behind this pact.

Collaboration Agreement with the CNMC

In March 2021 iCmedia signed a collaboration agreement with the CNMC to carry out actions to encourage, promote and disseminate the correct rating and description of audiovisual content, thus favoring parental control and information to users on audiovisual content.

Television and Audiovisual Contents Observatory

iCmedia is part of OCTA's board of directors as its secretary. The objective of this observatory of civil society is to periodically periodically analyze the work of the media, evaluate the fulfillment of its social function, and promote an adequateto evaluate the fulfillment of their social function, and to promote an adequate dissemination of content for children and adolescents. and adolescents, and to promote an adequate dissemination of content for children and adolescents.

Promotion and Development Media Literacy

iCmedia is one of the founding entities of AlfaMedia, and as a member of it, participates in initiatives to promote and develop Media Literacy in Spain, promoting its development and implementation in the social, political, economic, educational and cultural agenda.

TeleMadrid Advisory Board

In keeping with its mission to defend the rights of users, iCmedia is a member of TeleMadrid's Advisory Board, the body responsible for ensuring the right of access for all users and for programming that objectively serves the general interests of Madrid's television viewers.

Committee of Experts of Fundación Atresmedia

Through its vice-president Marta Pellico, iCmedia participates in the committee of experts of the Atresmedia Foundation, whose purpose is to promote media and information literacy through actions that promote critical thinking, creativity and values of young people within the framework of the information society.