iCmedia participates in the I Day against Disinformation organized by CLABE

Feb 18, 2024 | Activities, Media Literacy, Audiovisual Sector

Marta Pellico, Vice President of iCmedia, participated on February 17 in the First Conference against Disinformation organized by El Club Abierto de Editores (CLABE), under the slogan "Committed to the Truth", together with representatives of the European Union, the Spanish Government, business organizations, the media, technology companies and other organizations of civil society and social agents.

Through presentations, round tables and debates, this day addressed with different experts in the field the best way to combat misinformation. Marta Pellico, together with Mariaje González and Eva Herrero, took part in the block dedicated to media literacy and highlighted the role of media literacy as the key to providing the training needed to acquire the necessary skills to detect false news and prevent its dissemination.

This conference also analyzed the role and responsibility of technology, the media and information professionals in disinformation, as well as the relationship between this and security. The role and responsibility of technology, the media and information professionals in disinformation, as well as the relationship between disinformation and security. In the institutional interventions, the participants discussed the EU's perspective and approach to disinformation, how disinformation affects disinformation during conflicts, and the commitment and role of the media.

During this day, the Declaration in defense of democratic and cultural quality was also presented. Against disinformation, written by Raúl Magallón, professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid and researcher in this field, to which iCmedia has adhered.

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