REVIEW Love & Death

Jun 11, 2023 | Series Reviews

David O. Kelley has been making series for too long to change his style at this point. Although in his almost 40-year career he has offered some popular entertainments such as his most recent The Lincoln Lawyer (Netflix) or the successful productions of his early days(A Precocious Doctor or The Law of Angels), his most usual profile is that of Love & Death . The formula is very similar to the one he used in Big Little Lies: a morbid and implausible plot with an extraordinary cast and a brilliant production design.

This recreation of a true story about two married couples in Texas in the 80's is jammed with clichés: indelities of characters marked by artificial religious beliefs, double lives, passionate murders, constant plot twists... The dramatic scheme is only intended to catch the viewer's attention with a succession of perversions and unforeseen outcomes in the purest soap opera style. However, this time the specialized critics have not taken the bait and have recognized the elementary deficiencies of this thriller with airs of depth and formal aestheticism.

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