Report Audiovisual Consumption in Galicia 2023

Mar 31, 2023 | Activities, Publications & Articles

The last decade has witnessed a revolution in the way audiovisual content is accessed. In addition to changes in audiences, which are becoming increasingly personalized, there have been significant advances in the technology used by the media. The digital era is shaping the broad audiovisual landscape: what was known years ago as the "idiot box" has become a Smart TV; digital platforms are booming - despite some setbacks - thanks to the phenomenon of television series, and social networks have broken the frontier of traditional media and offer more and more audiovisual content. A survey conducted by iCmedia Galicia confirms these changes in audiovisual consumption in Galicia. Thus, more than half of the teenagers consulted (53.4%) are subscribed or have access to three or more digital platforms. The survey also reveals that girls between 12 and 16 years of age spend the most time watching audiovisual content on different devices: 34.2% of them spend more than three hours a day in front of the screen, ten points more than boys of the same age (24.2%). As for the use of social networks among adolescents, the number of girls who spend more than three hours a day on networks (39.5%) is almost double that of boys (21.7%).
Read the full report SPANISH ICMEDIA REPORT

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